Service Call Inquiry


The Service Call Inquiry option is used to group all information related to a service call in one location.

This option is used for viewing only. Changes must be made using the Enter a Service Call option.



In multidimensionnal mode, call inquiries are only made for the current prefix.






maestro* > Service Management > Analysis and Inquiry > Inquiries > Service Call Inquiry


Consult a service call

  1. Select a Contract Number.

This step is optional. If you enter a contract number, the search in the Call Number field will be restricted to calls for the selected contract only.

  1. Select a Call Number: the information displayed in the upper section is from the Enter a Service Call option.
  2. Dispatch of the Call section: this section displays information regarding the call dispatch process from the time the call is entered, dispatched or assigned to a technician, to when the technician has completed the work.
  3. View the information available on the service contract.

Using the menu in the Print screen, you can print the Service Call Control Report based on the user's security level.

For more information on this report, refer to Service Call Control Report help topic.

  1. Service Call tab: This tab contains information about the location in which the work was performed, details about the call and efficiency of the call.

The Profitability section contains costs and revenues for the call. This information is available as soon as the invoice has been prepared for this call. Otherwise, no information will be available.


If users have restricted access to some information, a warning message will be displayed to the right of Profitability.

All actual revenues (including items to be invoiced and miscellaneous fees) will be distributed in the Profitability section according to the revenue type mentioned on each line of the invoice breakdown. Lump sums, if not linked to a revenue type, will be displayed on Miscellaneous line.

  1. Employees Assigned tab: this tab is displays the name of the employees dispatched on this call, if a service dispatch has been done.

This tab is only displayed if the Type of Dispatch used, in the configuration option, is set to Service Dispatch.

  1. Dispatch tab: This tab displays the name(s) of technician(s) assigned to the call. They can be entered using the Enter a Service Call option or they can be assigned using Call Dispatch.

This tab is only displayed if the Type of Dispatch used, in the configuration option, is set to Service Dispatch.

  1. Additional Fields tab: Displays the fields added in the Enter a Service Call option.
  2. Visits tab: This tab displays visits made for this call.
  3. Orders tab: This tab displays all of the orders created with the call number using the Stock Order from Catalogue option in the Purchasing module.
  4. Purchase tab: This tab displays purchases created with the call number using the Enter a Purchase option of the Service Management module.
  5. Items Used tab: This tab displays the items entered using the Return from a Service Call option.
  6. Hours tab: This tab displays the hours entered for the call using the Return from a Service Call or Distribute Hours options.
  7. Equipment tab: This tab displays the list of equipment covered by the contract, as well as the equipment on which work was performed.

The list of equipment is from Equipment in Contract Management.

A check mark in the Used column is from the Enter a Service Call option.

The maintenance tasks linked to the selected equipment are displayed at the bottom of the screen, if they have been configured for a specific equipment and completed in maestro*MOBILE.

  1. Requisitions tab: This tab displays Service Call requisitions linked to the call number. These requisitions are entered with the Enter a Requisition option in the Purchasing module.
  2. Work Description tab: Displays the description of the work that needs to be done. The information comes from the Work Description tab in the Enter a Service Call option.
  3. Technical Details tab: Displays the technical details entered in the tab of the same name in the Enter a Service Call option.
  4. Rental Equipment tab: Displays the equipment on rental from the Rental Equipment Management option.
  5. Equipment Billing tab: Displays the invoicing for the equipment rental for the call. The information is from the Equipment Billing/Costing option from the Equipment Rental submenu.
  6. Quotations tab: displays the information related to the quotations created through the current service call.

The Quotations tab is only displayed if the Service Quotation option is activated in maestro*.

  1. The Modifications tab catalogues all changes made in a certain service call fields. The tab displays the name of the modified field, its original value, its new value, the name of the user who modified it, as well as the date and time it was modified.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025